Alice no 100°Cc Manga Review

(Adapted from my MAL review)

To be honest, I'm feeling a little pissed off right now, and it's not because of my stupid pun just now. That anger is mixed with the surprise that anyone could ever think about creating a manga like this, but I guess if your mind is twisted enough, a few "masterpieces" could emerge, and some unfortunate victims could end up reading those "masterpieces". Take me, for example; by chance, I encountered a lowly-rated manga on MAL and, out of curiosity, decided to read it in order to see why it was so bad. (Keep in mind I ignored the synopsis.) The end result was me realizing that there are, indeed, manga out there that could disgust me more than any borderline-hentai manga could. Of course, there is fan-service, but this is not just mere fan-service; this is pee-service!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my review of the "masterpiece" of a manga, Alice no 100°Cc!

Alice no 100°Cc follows Aoi Kururi, a high school boy who practices onmyou-ji - or should I say, onmyou-pee - magic. He has a very sensitive nose, and he can smell it when girls have to pee. Whether it's breaking spells related to pee or girls who are triggered into peeing by certain things, this manga is a pee-fetishist's dream come true!

....I'm sorry. I just can't come up with a good synopsis to write for this freaking manga. I can't really blame myself, though; the plot of this manga is practically non-existent. There are two arcs that last two chapters, but that doesn't help much, especially considering there are only seven chapters in this manga overall. The short length also harms the characters; they're barely given any time to develop as characters, if character development was even possible. To summarize all of the characters, Aoi is a disgusting pervert, and the rest of the cast is always like, "I have to go really, really bad!"

If you haven't already guessed what is the main driving force for this manga, it's a whole load of pee jokes! The mangaka, Chizuna Nakajima, has obviously put in as many pee jokes and urine itself in as possible in an attempt to maybe get the reader to laugh. News flash, Nakajima-sensei; it's disgusting, not funny! Sure, the art is okay (albeit nothing special), but it doesn't distract us from any of the urination that takes place in this manga; considering that it's actually drawn, it only makes it worse!

Overall, Alice on 100°Cc is, without a doubt, the worst and most disgusting manga I have ever read. If you have a pee fetish, I only have two things to say to you. The first is that you may be one of the only people who might find pleasure in this manga; the second is that you need to go see a therapist right now. It's obvious that you and the mangaka who even came up with this in the first place need some serious help.
